2007年12月25日 星期二


今早 我們去了教會
因為今天放假 所以 去教會參加活動
然而牧師讀聖經時 我完全不了解意思
就算看了聖經 還是無法了解他想傳達什麼
拍一些當作是留念的 在說 有圖有真相
而且還在台灣的印尼團、巴林團 也希望我拍些回去
阿KEN、維俊 我達成你們交付的任務了
如果還有機會 我會在帶去多拍一些的
因為 還有很多很可愛的外國少女呀XD

3 則留言:

lee wang 提到...

Hi Lin-Yi,

Reading your blog makes me know critical snap of your daily life. It is true that few people in Taiwan will spend their own money to travel to places you mentioned. But the world is changing and Africa is making striking improvement because their raw materials can demand a lot more money than before and their leaders started to work harder for their own people instead for themselves and cronies. Malawi’s president insisted to subsidize their farmers with inexpensive fertilizers against the request from the World Bank and other international donors. In a few years Malawi has transformed itself from a food importer to a meaningful exporter.
I would regret to see your mission shortened simply because the formal relation warrants such a contact is broken.
Your effort may the one of the key factors keep the relation going.


Dr. Wang

匿名 提到...

i have been study English but i English vary pool(poor),cc,

happy every day~

form Taiwan friend 0921408032

米菇小克 提到...

謝謝王老師的鼓勵 我會保持下去
不過你的英文還是比我好 安啦